Institute of Management, Nirma University - Logo

Meet Pandya

Being part of the Team Nirma Robocon (2014 – 2018) was one of the best things that happened to me. Here, I experienced almost every possible human emotion, from sadness to happiness, anxiety to calmness, and disappointment to satisfaction. When I stepped into the real world, I realized that the antagonistic nature of these emotions is what life is all about. By experiencing all these, I learned to always see the brighter side of the picture.

Robocon prepared me to get back up in life no matter how hard I fall. These experiences taught me the value of perseverance, self-discipline, problem-solving abilities, and the importance of a positive mindset in overcoming challenges. Time management, team building, and team management are skills I learned here. Along with that, I obviously had the chance to learn many technical things practically.

The support from the university and faculty members has been instrumental in my journey with the Robocon team. The university provided us with state-of-the-art facilities and resources that were crucial for our projects. Our dedicated faculty mentors offered invaluable guidance, sharing their expertise and encouraging us to push our boundaries. Their constant encouragement and constructive feedback helped us refine our skills and achieve our goals.

I always miss those last-hour practice sessions and sleepless nights spent on error corrections.


Meet S Pandya

Product Development Engineer at Indius Medical