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Akshar Chauhan

Embarking on my journey as a Mechanical Engineering student and later taking the helm as the captain of Team AUV at the distinguished Centre of Robotics and Automation has been nothing short of transformative. The practical knowledge imparted during my tenure has not only honed my skills but has also provided me with a profound understanding of robotics in real-world applications.

Steering Team AUV through the intricate development of autonomous underwater vehicles, I found myself at the forefront of innovation and collaboration. The guidance from the Centre’s faculty served as a compass, navigating us through challenges and fostering an environment where creativity thrived.

The hands-on experience gained at the Centre has been the bedrock of my educational journey, offering a tangible connection between theory and application. This practical exposure has not only deepened my appreciation for mechanical engineering but has also equipped me with the confidence to tackle the complexities of the field.

Reflecting on my time at the Centre of Robotics and Automation, I am indebted to the institution for providing a platform where passion meets expertise. The commitment to excellence and the emphasis on practical learning have left an indelible mark on my educational and personal growth, setting the stage for a future where the boundaries of innovation are limitless.

Looking ahead, I am excited to continue my pursuit of knowledge as a prospective student at the University of Cincinnati for a Master’s of Engineering in Robotics and Automation Systems. I am eager to further expand my expertise and contribute to the forefront of technological advancements in this dynamic field.

– Akshar Chauhan