Institute of Management, Nirma University - Logo

Arya Kargathara

Nirma University played a pivotal role in shaping my engineering career. As a mechanical engineering student with a passion for robotics, joining Nirma Robocon was a turning point. I entered the club as a robotics enthusiast, eager to learn and grow. My senior members played a crucial role in honing my design skills. Their exceptional support and guidance were invaluable, helping me excel in this area.

Leading the team for two years further enriched my experience. This responsibility honed my leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and time management expertise. The collaborative environment fostered by Nirma Robocon helped me develop into a well-rounded team player, making me a strong candidate for any society or organization.

Furthermore, the Centre for Robotics and Automation (CRA) at Nirma University provided exceptional guidance and resources.  Through the CRA’s support, I deepened my knowledge of robotics and automation, setting a strong foundation for my future.  The immersive experience I gained at Nirma University has undoubtedly helped me excel in my chosen field.


Arya Kargathara

Orangewood, Noida